Latest Resources
The Power of a Career Journal
Starting your preparation when the job ad appears may already be too late if you are serious about your career progression. There is a better way and that is where a career journal can help.10 Aug 08 -
Time for a career change - Where do I start?
Have you ever thought what is it that I really want for myself in my career or personal life. Perhaps you realise that you are no longer fulfilled by your job. The thought of doing this for the rest of your career fills you with dread. Something needs to change.08 Jul 07 -
Never waste a will you use yours?
A crisis can teach us a lot about ourselves. We may have surprised ourselves with our ability to adapt, solve problems or deal with change. We may have discovered that we are more resilient than we thought. A crisis can also be an opportunity. An opportunity to take stock, reset and rebuild something new. Perhaps something new and better.14 May 05 -
Developing and Maintaining your Employment portfolio
An Employment Portfolio has many purposes and here are a few to help remind you of its value and importance.31 Jan 01 -
Making the transition from Peer to Manager
The first promotion to a leadership position is perhaps one of the most challenging anyone will ever face... New managers often have little knowledge and experience of how to lead and manage a team.31 Jan 01 -
Guidelines for Completing Competency Based Application Forms
Competency based application forms are designed to help you to present relevant evidence in order that decision makers can evaluate how well you ‘fit’ the requirements of a particular role.31 Jan 01